Monday, October 5, 2015

October 5-9

October 2, 2015

Dear Parents,

                        This week we talked about seasons and fall.  We talked about many things that go along with fall – the weather, how things look outside, how leaves change colors, and how animals begin to prepare for winter.  We discussed how the leaves don’t change color in the fall they actually turn back to their original color because the leaf stops making chlorophyll.  Then we talked about properties of leaves and looked at some real leaves.  We learned some new words like chlorophyll, pigment, migration and hibernation with animals.  In math, we worked on sorting leaves, learned the words wide and narrow, and worked with patterns.  We have had a busy week. 

            Also remember each month we will celebrate a different character award.  These follow our school values.  At each 9 weeks awards assembly for the traits we have been over, the students will get an award from the school.  September’s value was Communication. Congratulations to Wesley for winning this award.


Next Week

Theme: Apples                                                            Color: Red

Handwriting Letters: X, Y, Z, C                                Nursery Rhyme: Little Bo Peep

Letters: P, Q, R, S                                                       Shape: Review 4 Shapes

Number: 8, 9                                                               Story: Little Red Riding Hood



  • Keep sending in those box tops and pop top tabs off of cans. 
  • Items for the Operation Christmas Child can be sent in now until October 30th.  Kindergarten is to send in hygiene items such as toothpaste, toothbrushes, toothbrush holders, brushes, hair bows, bar soap, bar soap holders, wash clothes, baby wipes, any non-liquid items.
  • If you did not send in your homework notebook today, please send it on Monday so the calendar can be changed.
  • Don’t forget to send in your 3 different kinds of apples on Monday.  There is a sheet that was sent home about it this week.
  • I would like each student to send in a bag of Halloween candy.  It can be any kind just be sure it’s items that are individually wrapped you can send it in anytime next week or the week of Halloween. 
  • You may have noticed that the Handwriting letters for homework do not match the ones that are mentioned on the newsletter for the next week.  This is because I teach them in class that week about those letters, so then the next week they should know how to properly write them.  So the letters they ae doing on Monday’s for homework they have been taught in class how to write.  I just wanted to make sure there wasn’t any confusion about that.
  • Students do go to library 2x a week, however they will only check out books 1x a week on Monday’s.  For this reason we will only collect library books on Friday & Monday.  So if we see a library book in the book bag, if it’s Friday or Monday we will take it out and assume you are done with it.
  • We were going to have community helpers visit us today, but due to the weather we rescheduled them to come on Wednesday.





  • On October 16th we will be carving pumpkins, I need 3-4 volunteers that would like to come in and help.  We will be carving from 9:45-11:00.  Please let me know if you would like to come in and carve.  If this time does not work for volunteers to come in, I may change it.  I will also need pumpkins to carve, so if you can come and bring a pumpkin to carve let me know.
  • I am also in need of ink for the printer.  I do print a lot of things and don’t use the copier for printing to save my copies.  Anyone who is ever willing to purchase any ink, it is Canon 240 Black and 241 Color.



Monday October 13th: Return books for Book-In-A-Bag & Library books due

                                    Scholastic Orders due – Check out the October flyers there are great deals. 

Mrs. Hodges & Mrs. McLamb