Friday, October 28, 2016

October 28, 2016
Dear Parents,
            This week we have been talking about different scary things.  We have discussed scarecrows monsters, bats, and spiders.   We read the story Stellaluna and did some activities looking at bats and birds. In math we have been practicing our numbers and counting objects, and measuring with candy corn.

Next Week
Theme: Force & Motion                                              Nursery Rhyme: Baa Baa Black Sheep
            Space                                                               Color: Black
Handwriting Letters: w, t, a, d                        Shape: Star
Word Families: -ap, -ag                                               Story: If You give a Mouse a Cookie



  • If you did not send in tan pillowcase by today, please send it on Monday.
  • Congratulations to Phoebe for getting our core value award this month for Leadership!
  • Awards are next Friday.  All students will be receiving an award.  They will start with Kindergarten first right at 12:30. Once awards are over we will return to the classroom.  So if you plan to check your child out after awards you can come on back to the room after awards.  We will have a sign out in the room, you will not have to go by the office.  Our agenda for the rest of that day will be recess time and a rest time.  Since lunch is at 11:30, we will eat lunch before the awards.
  • Homework Changes: I did put a few new things in the homework notebook.  There is a new sheet on Writing with your kids.  Also, in the reading section there is some new reading information for you to use.  These were the sheets I have been going over with you at the conferences.  Also, on the calendar under the reading section, there will still be assignments to do for homework.  To complete these assignments you can use a book the kids take home from class or you can use a storybook you may be reading to them at home.  Whatever works best to complete the assignment.  You will notice this month one of the assignments is written.  There is nothing you have to turn in for the oral assignments.  If it is a written assignment, you can complete any day that week and just add it in to the homework folder on Friday.  Don’t forget about the reading logs.  If your log was complete (read 25 books), I took it out.  I will also take out the ones that are complete on the Book It! Website.  Remember, if you have the books counted on the website you don’t have to color in the log.  You can color them if you’d like but the books need to be logged in at least 1 way – on the Book It! site or by coloring in the log.  If you’re 25 books weren’t met today for the certificate, I left the reading log incase you wanted to add to it over the weekend.  You will have to turn your log in on Monday, to get credit for October.  All pizza certificates will be sent home Monday.  We did not send them home today.
  • Next week is the book fair.  Our day to shop for the book fair is on Tuesday at 10:00 and Thursday at 10:45 during our library time.  Please send money on those days if you would like your child to buy anything at the book fair.  You are also welcome to come in at that time, if you would like to go with us to shop with your child.  The book fair will be open at other times for you to shop with your child, but as a class this is our assigned day.  You can also, order online at If there are specific books you would like them to get, please write these down.  If you have nothing specific, then you can just send money.  Please put all money in your child’s money envelope.
  • I am also sending out the volunteer calendar – please, please check to see if you can fill in on any of the dates.  I just lost my regular volunteer that comes on Tuesday for math, so know I am in a big need for math help.  Math centers are very hard to do without 2 volunteers so please let me know if you can help.  The math dates I need someone, which is listed on the calendar, are: November 8, 15, 18, & 29. 
  • For my regular volunteers, please also check the calendar because there are dates in November where we may not have literacy or math on certain days.  Also, for next week I still need 1 volunteer to help with literacy on Wednesday.  If you can help Wednesday morning please let me know. 
  • Mark your calendars for our Thanksgiving celebration.  We will have a Thanksgiving feast and the kids will sing songs on Tuesday November 24th at 11:45. I will send home next week a letter telling what you will need to bring for the feast and how the kids will be dressing up.  I hope everyone will be able to come for our celebration.
  • Keep sending in those box tops and pop tabs!

Monday October 31st: Return books for Book-In-A-Bag
                                    Halloween Party – Info is below
                                    *Please note students will not need a snack or lunch for today.
                                    Students can come already dressed in their costumes.
Tuesday November 1st: Picture Make-up Day
                                                I have forms if you plan to have makeups.  Please let me know if you
                                                need a form or if you plan to do a makeup picture.
Friday November 4th: Awards at 12:30 in the gym

Mrs. Hodges & Mrs. Roycroft

Friday, October 21, 2016

October 21, 2016
Dear Parents,
            This week has been a short week.  This week we have been talking about pumpkins.  The students had so much fun carving pumpkins, which you can see displayed in the room.  We also worked on describing pumpkins and wrote about them.  We learned the rhyme The Five Little Pumpkins and the nursery rhyme Peter, Peter, Pumpkin Eater.  I think everyone enjoyed the trip to the pumpkin patch at Clayton Fear Farms.  Thank you to everyone for going.  Even though some students may not be ready for word families, this is an activity that we do together so students can start to understand what word families are and to work on rhyming words.
Next Week
Theme: Scary Things                                                              Numbers: Review 11-15
Word Family: -at, -ad                                                              Shape: Diamond
Handwriting Letters: c, o, s, v                                                 Color: Brown
Nursery Rhyme: Little Miss Muffet   
Story: There was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Bat

  • Don’t forget to send in a tan standard size pillow case by October 28th.
·      Please continue to send in box tops and the can pop tabs.
·      Homework notebooks need to be sent in next Friday so the calendar can be changed.
·      Students will need their towels next week, so please don’t forget to send one on Monday.
·      Monday October 31st: 
We will have our Halloween celebration on this day.  More info and a schedule will be sent home on Monday.  However, we will need volunteers for this day, so please start considering to come in that day and help.  Our time frame should range from about 8:15-12:15. We will definitely need volunteers that morning.  If you can volunteer, please email me and let me know and what time you are available to help.  Don’t forget about the character parade at 10:30. The info is below.  All parents are welcome to attend.

·      I am still in need of help with literacy centers next week on Monday and Thursday morning.  Please let me know if you can help.
·      Also on November 3rd & 4th, I desperately need extra help during literacy centers.  Mrs. Roycroft will not be at school and I will need extra help that morning.  Please let me know if you can help on one of those days.

  • Awards will be on Friday November 4th at 12:30 in the gym.  Kindergarten usually goes first, so be sure to be on time.  All students will be receiving an award.  Hope to see you then.
  • Mark your calendars for our Thanksgiving celebration.  We will have a Thanksgiving feast and the kids will sing songs on Tuesday November 22nd.  More information about this will be sent home in the next week.   I hope everyone will be able to come for our celebration.  I do not have an exact time but it will be around their lunchtime.  I’d say our time will range from 11:30-1:00.

Monday October 24th: Return Book-In-A-Bag
Thursday October 27th: Report Cards go home
Friday October 28th: Booster Bash

Mrs. Hodges & Mrs. Roycroft

3rd Annual
K-2 Character Parade
You’re Invited to attend our 3rd annual K-2 Character Parade on October 31st, 2016 at 10:30 a.m.

Parents & Friends,
We are pleased to announce the 2nd annual K-2 Character parade. On October 31, 2016 at 10:30 students in Kindergarten, First Grade, and 2nd grade will participate in a parade around a section of the school. We will be inviting older grades to be our audience as well as any parents or friends that would like to attend. Please ask your student who their favorite character is either in a story or movie. Have your student dress up as this character and try to find the book or a poster with that character on it. For example, if your child dresses up as The Cat in the Hat, they would bring the book The Cat in the Hat. If their favorite character is Elsa from Frozen, they can bring a book with her in it or print off a picture of her. We look forward to this exciting event. It is also a great idea to have some sort of picture or documentation of the character for the student to display and share with others. This is an excellent opportunity for students to share their love of characters and see the vast range of characters in various forms.
Parents are asked to line up along the sidewalk between the high school building and mobile units. We look forward to seeing you there!

*Please no scary or gross costumes or clowns!
Thank you,
The Kindergarten, First Grade Teachers, & 2nd Grade Teachers
Examples: The fly from, Fly Guy, Junie B. Jones, Olivia, Horton, and Fancy Nancy